Sunday 28th March – Palm Sunday

10.30am Holy communion (Sung) & Gro-zone in Parish Centre
5-6.30pm Wannabees Youth Group at Vicarage

Monday 29th and Tuesday 30th

7.30pm Compline (Short reflective service for Holy Week)

Wednesday 31st March

9.30am Hill-Top Easter Service in church
7.15pm Prayer meeting in church
8.00pm Holy Communion (One World Setting)

Thursday 1st April – Maundy Thursday

10.30am Chrism Eucharist at Wakefield Cathedral
11.00am Holy Communion at Soothill Manor
7.30pm Passover meal in Parish Centre
9-10.00pm Church open for quiet prayer

Friday 2nd April – Good Friday

12noon – 3.00pm ‘At the foot of the cross’ – reflections on the final hours of Jesus’ life (Followed by refreshments in the Vicarage)

Saturday 3rd April

8.30pm Easter Eve short reflective service in church

Sunday 4th April – Easter Sunday

8.00am Holy Communion
10.30am All-Age Communion for Easter