A light from the window

A light from the window

If you remember, earlier in the year the oldest window we have in church, the mediaeval monk’s window was removed, cleaned, repaired, and replaced.  
We usually notice some colour, but look at it shining on the vestry door this morning! Beautiful!!


Children’s Activity Morning

Children’s Activity Morning

Twenty children spent three hours at St Mary’s this morning and fun, games and craft. As well as meeting Charlie and Alice, playing Christmassy games and singing, the children made lots of different crafts.


These crafts included foam Christmas trees, candy canes, candles, Christmas cards and decorating Christingle biscuits. For display in church over Christmas, children each decorated a star which will go on a banner right above the choir stalls.



Posada gets started

Posada gets started

A posada is an old Mexican tradition where children dressed as Mary and Joseph travel around the parish, sharing the journey with as many people as possible before arriving in church on Christmas Eve.

Obviously we can’t use children nowadays but we are using small models of Mary and Joseph and the donkey to travel from house to house in the parish. Each person looks after the three travellers for a day before taking them to the next person. There is a prayer which is said at each house, usually with a coffee and mince pie.

Hopefully Mary, Joseph and the donkey arrive back in church safe and sound on Christmas Eve to join models of the other characters, after sharing the Christmas message around many houses and families in the parish.