Advent Calendars

We have distributed to the congregation an Advent Calendar for St Mary’s. It contains a Bible verse to read and a thought for each day leading up to Christmas. If you weren’t able to pick one up in church, download one here.

The Archbishop of York, John Sentamu, is to post a thought each day in advent on his web site. You can visit the Advent Calendar by clicking here.

Christmas Activity Morning

Our next Childrens’ Activity Morning ‘Going Christmas Crackers’ will take place on Saturday 11th December from 10am to 1pm. It is suitable for children aged 4-11 and costs £3 per child.

To secure your place, please contact Amanda on (01924) 472375.

Christmas Fair

This will be held on 27th November between 10am and 3pm.

With many stalls to tempt you from the Cake Stall to Tombola, Christmas Cards to Chocolate. The excellent efforts by the Scouts with what they do with the raffle. Other fun games include Guess the Weight, How many in a Jar plus many other attractions and stalls, it is a very enjoyable way to start and prepare for Christmas.

In previous years we have always very fortunate that Santa has always found time in his busy schedule to drop in (not down the chimney though – that’s only on Christmas Eve) and see us and I fully expect that he will make it again this year, so get all your Christmas requests ready.

Then sit and chat with friends over lunch as you enjoy some of the fine refreshments that will be on offer all at very reasonable prices.

The Christmas Fair is a major even in the social life of the Church and Parish and your support is very much appreciated.
