Web site outage

Apologies for the lack of web site over the last few days. This was due to database issues at our web site host which obviously took them ages to mend!

Hopefully normal service is resumed!

Introduction to Ikizu

Introduction to Ikizu

At our All Age Communion service for Trinity Sunday this morning, we were very fortunate to welcome Peta Moffat who is the Mara Link Officer for Wakefield Diocese. She recently visited our link parish of Ikizu in Tanzania.

Peta spoke about her journey to Ikizu, the situation the Anglican Church finds itself in in this area of Tanzania, and about the people and location of the church.

These are photos taken by Peta during her visit and were shown during the service.

The previous week, we raised through a bucket collection, enough to buy a large Bible in the people of Ikizu’s own language and a large wooden cross. These will be really important to the church who have to rent a ‘classroom’ in a teachers’ building, and hence does not seem very church-like.

The Pastor and his family

Childrens' Choir

Pastor and other church members

Peta and a child from Ikizu

An older man comes in to be baptised

Event: Opening Organ Recital – UPDATE

Event: Opening Organ Recital – UPDATE

To celebrate the arrival of our new organ, we will be holding an Opening Recital on Saturday 5th June at 7.30pm.

The recital will be by Mr Colin Porter who is Organist and Choirmaster at Mossley Hill Parish Church in Liverpool. He has been organist and choirmaster there for over 24 years and is also Director of the Liverpool Festival Choir.

The recital will last for about 50 minutes, and will ‘show-off’ the capabilities of our new organ.

Please encourage family and friends to join us for this memorable evening in the life of St Mary’s.

Admission is free and refreshments (wine, soft drinks and nibbles) will be available. For more information, contact Neal Pinder-Packard, Churchwarden, on (0113) 252 4001.

Colin Porter at the console of the organ of Mossley Hill Church, Liverpool (photo from Mossley Hill Church web site

Organ Dedication Service

Organ Dedication Service

At the 10.30 service this morning we celebrated our new organ. We were delighted to welcome the Lord Mayor of Leeds, Judith Elliott to join in the celebrations with us. As well as using the organ for our worship and hymns, a very rousing singing of Jerusalem concluded the service. 

Afterwards, the Lord Mayor decided to have a go at the organ with John Hardcastle our organist: 

Lord Mayor, Judith Elliott, with organist John Hardcastle

A new musical beginning for St Mary’s

Our brand new organ is now in place and has had it’s first service! The brightness and variety was a joy to hear and should provide great music for years to come.

We would like to invite everybody to a special service on Sunday 2nd May 2010 at 10.30am to celebrate the new organ. We are delighted that the Lord Mayor of Leeds, Judith Elliott, is able to join us.