Easter Services 2010

Easter Services 2010

Sunday 28th March – Palm Sunday

10.30am Holy communion (Sung) & Gro-zone in Parish Centre
5-6.30pm Wannabees Youth Group at Vicarage

Monday 29th and Tuesday 30th

7.30pm Compline (Short reflective service for Holy Week)

Wednesday 31st March

9.30am Hill-Top Easter Service in church
7.15pm Prayer meeting in church
8.00pm Holy Communion (One World Setting)

Thursday 1st April – Maundy Thursday

10.30am Chrism Eucharist at Wakefield Cathedral
11.00am Holy Communion at Soothill Manor
7.30pm Passover meal in Parish Centre
9-10.00pm Church open for quiet prayer

Friday 2nd April – Good Friday

12noon – 3.00pm ‘At the foot of the cross’ – reflections on the final hours of Jesus’ life (Followed by refreshments in the Vicarage)

Saturday 3rd April

8.30pm Easter Eve short reflective service in church

Sunday 4th April – Easter Sunday

8.00am Holy Communion
10.30am All-Age Communion for Easter

Organ update

The Faculty required to purchase the new organ was approved this week after there were no objections.

We are pleased to announce that we have now been able to order the organ.

We will keep you updated of progress, but expect the organ to be fitted by the end of April!

Gift from Tanzania

Gift from Tanzania

Last year we received a gift of an altar cloth. An extremely generous gift as our link Parish in the Diocese of Mara, Ikizu, do not have a church. They are currently making their own bricks in order to make a church to worship in. With the long seasons of advent, Christmas and Epiphany, today was the first time we were able to use the cloth. I’m sure you’ll agree that it looks beautiful!

Lent Course 2010

This year, the Lent course will be held on Tuesdays from 23rd February to 23rd March. There are two sessions on each Tuesday, one in the afternoon and one in the evening.

The course is for everyone, no matter how far in your journey as a Christian, you will get something out of the course. The groups are supportive and you will be made most welcome. Sign up on the list in the porch or contact the Vicar.

We will be using a book to support the course. You can buy it in advance from Amazon using the the link below.

Organ Update

It’s a been a few months now since the organ demonstrations and appeal which was so successful. As we said at the time, there was a detailed process which needed following to receive our new organ, so this article is to keep you up-to-date of the progress which has been made so far.

Once the money had been raised, the November PCC meeting officially agreed to the purchase of the organ. We then had to apply for a Faculty. This is like planning permission and is designed to ensure churches in all Dioceses remain in keeping with their design and age and that changes are appropriate. The committee which meets to decide on Faculty applications meets once a month. We completed the application well in time for the December meeting but it was not considered until the January 2010 meeting.

We now have to display a public notice for 28 days, to allow time for people to object to the plans, again a bit like planning permission. The notice will be removed on 12th February and so, assuming there are no objections, a Faculty should be issued shortly afterwards.

The organ is not ‘off-the-shelf’ so will take a number of weeks to build and install. We cannot order it until the Faculty is received.

Once again, thank you for the generosity of everybody who contributed to the purchase of the organ, and for everyone’s patience over the last couple of months. I’m sure the wait will be worth it, and the organ will enhance our worship for years to come.

We will provide further updates in the magazine and web site.

Neal Pinder-Packard, Churchwarden