Site outages

Apologies for the site outages over the past couple of days which is due to the cold weather. The hamsters which run on their wheels to power the St Mary’s server can’t go as fast when it’s cold. Hopefully things will be back to normal in a few days.

Thank you.

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!

From all at St Mary’s!!

January and early February 2010 calendar is now on the web site and the January 2010 magazine is available in church. These are some photos taken this morning (3rd January) on a beautiful winters day!

Click on each one to enlarge.



Two lovely Christingles this evening with well over 200 people attending. It was magical when the lights go out and the children sing. These pictures don’t really do justice to the atmosphere but you get the jist!

Advent Reflections

The Church of England have developed a web site which contains an Advent Calendar with daily videos and reflections for Advent. It is designed to help people ‘slow down’ in the preparation for Christmas and remember what we are preparing for.

Let’s get Christ-messy!

Let’s get Christ-messy!

Picture8Children’s Activity Day on Saturday 12th December from 10am to 1pm.

St Mary’s Parish Centre. Suitable for children aged 4-11 (accompanied 3 year olds welcome)

Cost: £3 per child

Contact Amanda on (01924) 472375 to book your place.