Easter Pictures

Easter Pictures

The children at the local Hill Top Primary School have been drawing pictures about Holy Week and Easter. We have displayed the pictures around church from today, Palm Sunday.

The pictures start with Palm Sunday, go through Maundy Thursday, Good Friday and finally Easter Sunday.

Palm Sunday


Image 6

Maundy Thursday

Image 1

Image 4

Good Friday

Image 2

Image 3


Easter Sunday

Image 7

Image 5


Lent Reflection Ideas

Lent Reflection Ideas

Lent is not only a time for giving something up, it’s a time for prayer and reflection. At St Mary’s there are two main ways we have devised to help you with this:

  • Lent Prayer Calendar – this is available from church or from downloading it from this web site (click here to view the post). This calendar has a thought for every day throughout Lent, written by members of St Mary’s congregation.
  • Lent Groups – this will be held each Tuesday in Lent at the Vicarage in both the afternoon and evening, see the calendar page for exact time, and contact the Vicar if you’d like to attend.

As well as these local activities, the Church of England has released an App for iPhone or iPad with a Lenten reflection and prayer for each day. This is a sample page from the iPad, and the download link is here. The App costs £1.49.

Lent Prayer Diary 2012

Lent Prayer Diary 2012

Last year we produced a Lent Prayer Diary which provided a reflection or prayer for each day throughout Lent. This year we have done the same, and added thoughts and reflections from our All-Age congregation.

Please feel free to download and print the calendar using the links above the document which is reproduced below. Also, please pass onto friends and family.

Our Holy Week and Easter Services are printed on the calendar and will be on the web site calendar shortly.

[scribd id=81680536 key=key-vaoavvoyj8hrn5i7cad mode=list]

Our God is a Great Big God!!

What a wonderful All age service this morning. The services were based around Collossians which instead of being read, was given in a much more engaging way using this video:



Even more enjoyable was a new (and highly addictive) new song. Be warned, when you listen to this, you not get it out of your head for the rest of the day, or possibly ever!

All hands to the pump!

All hands to the pump!

A huge thank you to all those who turned up this morning to give the church a massive clean so our services tomorrow can take place.


The damaged cornicing has been mended this week and to say it caused quite a bit of dust is an understatement! Thankfully half the church is back into a clean state so we can enjoy the All-Age worship at 10.30 and Holy Communion at 12.00pm.

