A light from the window

A light from the window

If you remember, earlier in the year the oldest window we have in church, the mediaeval monk’s window was removed, cleaned, repaired, and replaced.  
We usually notice some colour, but look at it shining on the vestry door this morning! Beautiful!!


Children’s Activity Morning

Children’s Activity Morning

Twenty children spent three hours at St Mary’s this morning and fun, games and craft. As well as meeting Charlie and Alice, playing Christmassy games and singing, the children made lots of different crafts.


These crafts included foam Christmas trees, candy canes, candles, Christmas cards and decorating Christingle biscuits. For display in church over Christmas, children each decorated a star which will go on a banner right above the choir stalls.



Advent Prayer Calendar

Advent Prayer Calendar

Today is Advent Sunday and the start of our preparation to welcome Jesus at Christmas. We have collated an Advent Prayer calendar which provides a thought, prayer or short Bible verse every day to prepare ourselves and consider the true meaning of Christmas.

If you weren’t able to pick one up from church, please feel free to download a copy by clicking on the picture below:

Christmas Fair in Full Flow

Christmas Fair in Full Flow

A good time was had by all at the Christmas Fair today. Lots of things to do, see, buy and eat and it was certainly busy for the whole 5 hours. Here are a few snaps of the events, we’ll post the total funds raised when they are confirmed.

Christmas Fair!

Christmas Fair!

This years Christmas Fair is on Saturday 26th November from 10am to 3pm in the Parish Centre.


13109x6tmx8j1fAll the usual stalls will be there including chocolate, homemade preserves and pickles, raffle, books, games, tombola, cakes Christmas gifts stall and many more. Santa will be making an appearance and there will be lunches to keep you shopping throughout the afternoon! Entrance is 50p with under fives free.


All are welcome, please tell your family and friends.