A Lot of Fun with Veg!

A Lot of Fun with Veg!

Everybody seemed to be smiling, but tired, after a fun-packed Children’s Activity Morning: “Veg Out.”


All the activities were to do with autumn and harvest. Children made Potato Heads, vegetable shaped candles, an autumn princess, an autumn wreath and decorated ladybird buns. Charlie and Alice talked about sharing what they had been given (they were growing carrots!) and autumn themed games were mixed in.


We hope you can come to the next Activity Morning – keep an eye on the web site!


The Potato Heads were popular, but perhaps rather messy!



Autumn (?) Green Gym

Autumn (?) Green Gym

The October Churchyard Cleanup (aka Green Gym) is often wet and a bit chilly. Usually we struggle to get much in the way if mowing done so spend the time doing other jobs.

However today one pretty exceptional! Soaring temperatures to the high 20s meant that the ground was bone dry and it was more like being out in August. The churchyard however could not be mistaken for mid-summer with the beautiful colours beginning in the trees and bracken, as you can see in the photos below.

Many thanks to Dave, Glyn, Brian and Sandra, as well as always Brenda and Betty for much needed refreshments.


Veg Out Children’s Activity Morning

Veg Out Children’s Activity Morning

The next of the highly popular children’s activity mornings takes place on 15th October 2011. It is all about harvest and will include games, craft, stories and a lot of fun! There may even be an appearance from Charlie and Alice!


The morning lasts from 9.30-12.30 and to book your place contact the Vicarage on 01924 472375. The cost is just £3 per child.


We look forward to seeing you all there!!

Garden Party–16th July 2011

Garden Party–16th July 2011

church-is-emptyThis Saturday is the highlight of the social calendar – the St Mary’s Garden Party! As usual many activities are planned including games, lots of different stalls to tempt you, the BBQ and refreshments and of course raffles!


The Garden Party is open from 10.30am to 3.00pm in the Vicarage garden which is right next to the church. Bring everybody you know, family and friends for an enjoyable day.


Cartoonchurch.com cartoon reproduced with permission.

A Plaster Issue!!

A Plaster Issue!!

a1On Thursday this week a section of the Victorian coving came crashing down in church. We were fortunate nobody was in church at the time but the mess it left was awful.


For Sunday worship, we were advised by our architect that to be on the safe side we ought to cordon off the areas around the edge of the church while an expert checks it out and repairs are made.


Unfortunately the repair bit is the issue. We are insured for the damage cause by the fall (there was damage to a pew) but as usual the original damage with it being wear and tear and age isn’t covered, and should more need doing this is going to be a serious cost. While there are funds to cover it, it eats into the amount set aside to renovate the west end of the church with much needed toilets and kitchenette, and using these funds will delay this project, possibly indefinitely.


If you could spare a donation then we would be most grateful. Use the PayPal secure donation button or hand in to Amanda (the Vicar) or Gail or myself (Churchwardens).



Christian Aid All-Age Service

This morning the All-Age service was about Christian Aid week. The church was adorned with bunting and balloons (which were taken home by the children!) and the service was all about giving others hope.


We learned through a video about Gustavo, a coffee grower in Nicaragua. With the help of Christian Aid, he, and hundreds of other growers, are able to obtain a fair price for their goods. This has been achieved by becoming part of a co-operative able to continue the processing of the beans.


Please, if you have a collection at your house, make a donation to allow people like Gustavo and his community break out of poverty!


This is the video shown this morning: