Rock and Roll Children’s Activity Morning

Rock and Roll Children’s Activity Morning

We are looking at Easter – rolling away the stone – for our spring holiday activity morning.

The morning is for 4-11 year olds and is from 10am-1pm on Saturday 16th April 2011.

To secure your place, return the following information together with £3 to the Vicarage, or ring Amanda on (01924) 472375.

Information required: Name and age of child, address, contact number during the session, name of person authorised to collect, allergies/medical information.

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Epiphany Prayer Stations

Epiphany Prayer Stations

During Epiphany, we have been displaying a number of prayer stations from the gifts the Magi gave to Jesus through the Epiphany gospel readings. On Saturday 29th January 2011 from 10am to 12pm, church will be open for quite reflection and prayer at these stations. Refreshments will be served from 11am to 12pm in the Parish Centre.

Christmas Activity Morning

Our next Childrens’ Activity Morning ‘Going Christmas Crackers’ will take place on Saturday 11th December from 10am to 1pm. It is suitable for children aged 4-11 and costs £3 per child.

To secure your place, please contact Amanda on (01924) 472375.