Advent Prayer Calendar 2013

Advent Prayer Calendar 2013

Screen Shot 2013-12-02 at 21.09.39We have again designed an Advent Prayer Calendar with a little reading and/or thought for each day in order to prepare during December for the coming of Jesus at Christmas.

Please feel free to download the calendar, print it, and share this post with your friends so they can do the same.

Our Christmas services are on the bottom of the calendar, so make sure you put these in your diary to complete the path of Advent to Christmas.

Click to download the Advent Prayer Calendar 2013

Art Exhibition by Woodkirk Academy at St Mary’s

Art Exhibition by Woodkirk Academy at St Mary’s

Following the acquisition of the ‘Chantrell Watercolour’ depicting an unseen view of St Mary’s after the storm which destroyed the roof, Year 11 GCSE Art students from Woodkirk Academy took on the challenge to use the picture as inspiration.

The fruits of their work were shown over the Harvest weekend at St Mary’s and a number of people attended to enjoy the exhibition. Visitors were very impressed with the variety of styles used, and the different interpretations of the church building.

Below are photographs of the artwork and event:

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