Advent Prayer Calendar

Advent Prayer Calendar

We have been handing out Advent Prayer Calendars so we can help prepare ourselves for Christmas. The thoughts have all been provided by members of St Mary’s. You are more than welcome to download one of these calendars and share it with family and friends.

Download Calendar

A big ‘Thank You’!!

A big ‘Thank You’!!

Julie Hyde has edited the magazine for over 5 years, and has resided over 64 editions. She has decided to step down and hand over the mantle.

We would like to express our thanks to Julie for all her work, and her commitment to providing such a vital link with the community in this Parish.

The mantle has now been passed to Dave Townsend, his details for content are on the Who’s Who and Magazine page.

Christmas Fair!!!

Christmas Fair!!!

It’s that time of year again!

On the 24th November between 10.30am and 3.00pm we will be holding our Christmas Fair.

There will be stalls to tempt your taste buds like the Cake Stall and Chocolate Stall. Then try your luck on the Tombola or with a raffle.

Get some Christmas essentials like cards, wrapping paper and other Christmas decorations or look for some ideas for those Christmas gifts. There is always a bargain to be had on the stall which is organised by the Scouts.

We must not forget our special visitor – Santa will be calling so get making those lists.

After all this enjoy some refreshments and have a chat with friends.

Everybody is welcome; we look forward to seeing you!

Christmas Services 2012

Christmas Services 2012

Nativity Scene

All the Christmas Services are on the Calendar page, but here they are in a more concise form!

Sunday 2nd December – ADVENT 1

8am Holy Communion (said)
10.30am Holy Communion
12.30pm Baptism Service

Toy Collection starts this Sunday – unwrapped, new items please.

Saturday 8th December

10am – 1pm ‘Stable ‘n’ Stars’ Christmas Activity morning

Sunday 9th December – ADVENT 2

10.30am All-Age Service with Nativity
12.00pm Holy Communion

End of Toy Collection

Monday 10th December

12.00pm ‘First Steps’ toddler service in church ‘Henry’s Christmas Present’

Sunday 16th December – ADVENT 3

10.30am Holy Communion
4.00pm Carol Service by candlelight – with special guests

Thursday 20th December

7.00pm Westerton Road Carol service in church

Friday 21st December

9.45am Hill Top Christmas Carol Service in church

Sunday 23rd December – ADVENT 4

10.30am Holy Communion

Monday 24th December – CHRISTMAS EVE

3.00pm Christingle (aimed at younger children)
5.00pm Christingle (aimed at older children)
11.30pm First Communion of Christmas

Tuesday 25th December – CHRISTMAS DAY

10.30am Holy Communion (all-age)

Site Refresh

Site Refresh

Bit of a site refresh today – should be cleaner and easier to navigate! Sorry for any odd looking pages if you’ve visited this evening!!

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Return to the Falklands

Return to the Falklands

IMG_0195Mark Dilworth, who lives in our Parish, served in Falklands 30 years ago. He is travelling back there this week to take part in Remembrance Sunday. The host family Mark is staying with had requested a picture of the church in his Parish and a King James Bible, which they can’t get hold of there.

Mark joined us at our service this morning to be presented with the picture and Bible. We wish him all the best in his travels, and we hope to publish more information about his visit soon.

Pictured is Mark and Amanda our Vicar.