Posada gets started

Posada gets started

A posada is an old Mexican tradition where children dressed as Mary and Joseph travel around the parish, sharing the journey with as many people as possible before arriving in church on Christmas Eve.

Obviously we can’t use children nowadays but we are using small models of Mary and Joseph and the donkey to travel from house to house in the parish. Each person looks after the three travellers for a day before taking them to the next person. There is a prayer which is said at each house, usually with a coffee and mince pie.

Hopefully Mary, Joseph and the donkey arrive back in church safe and sound on Christmas Eve to join models of the other characters, after sharing the Christmas message around many houses and families in the parish.

Advent Prayer Calendar

Advent Prayer Calendar

Today is Advent Sunday and the start of our preparation to welcome Jesus at Christmas. We have collated an Advent Prayer calendar which provides a thought, prayer or short Bible verse every day to prepare ourselves and consider the true meaning of Christmas.

If you weren’t able to pick one up from church, please feel free to download a copy by clicking on the picture below:

Christmas Fair in Full Flow

Christmas Fair in Full Flow

A good time was had by all at the Christmas Fair today. Lots of things to do, see, buy and eat and it was certainly busy for the whole 5 hours. Here are a few snaps of the events, we’ll post the total funds raised when they are confirmed.

Christmas Fair!

Christmas Fair!

This years Christmas Fair is on Saturday 26th November from 10am to 3pm in the Parish Centre.


13109x6tmx8j1fAll the usual stalls will be there including chocolate, homemade preserves and pickles, raffle, books, games, tombola, cakes Christmas gifts stall and many more. Santa will be making an appearance and there will be lunches to keep you shopping throughout the afternoon! Entrance is 50p with under fives free.


All are welcome, please tell your family and friends.

A Lot of Fun with Veg!

A Lot of Fun with Veg!

Everybody seemed to be smiling, but tired, after a fun-packed Children’s Activity Morning: “Veg Out.”


All the activities were to do with autumn and harvest. Children made Potato Heads, vegetable shaped candles, an autumn princess, an autumn wreath and decorated ladybird buns. Charlie and Alice talked about sharing what they had been given (they were growing carrots!) and autumn themed games were mixed in.


We hope you can come to the next Activity Morning – keep an eye on the web site!


The Potato Heads were popular, but perhaps rather messy!



Win £400 to spend with Homebase!

easyfundraising are giving away £400 to spend with Homebase this month and all you have to do to be in with a chance of winning one is support St Mary’s Church – Woodkirk! Just shop online or tell a friend about easyfundraising and you’ll be entered into the draw!

This competition runs from 1st – 31st October 2011. Click here to find out more.

Good luck!