Category: Services

  • Special Remembrance Service

    Our Remembrance Service is at 10.30 on 9th November. This would normally be our All-Age worship, and activities will be in the Parish Centre organised for children if they wish to remember in that way. As the centenary of the outbreak of World War I it will be especially significant and poignant. We will be…

  • Easter Services 2014

    Easter Services 2014

    Easter Services 2014 Sunday 13th April – Palm Sunday 10.30am Palm Sunday All-Age Worship – start in the Parish Centre 12.00pm Palm Sunday Communion in church Monday 14th April 7.00pm Compline – short reflective service Tuesday 15th April 7.00pm Compline – short reflective service Wednesday 16th April 10.00am Holy Communion (1662 setting) Thursday 17th April…

  • Advent Prayer Calendar 2013

    We have again designed an Advent Prayer Calendar with a little reading and/or thought for each day in order to prepare during December for the coming of Jesus at Christmas. Please feel free to download the calendar, print it, and share this post with your friends so they can do the same. Our Christmas services…

  • Samuel at All-Age Worship

    Samuel at All-Age Worship

    At our All-Age service yesterday we learn about Samuel and about listening to God. This video highlights his story:   Then Charlie and Alice talked about listening to God:

  • Christian Aid – Charlie and Alice

    Christian Aid – Charlie and Alice

    Charlie and Alice made an outing in the All-Age service this morning. They were talking about food in the world which was linked to the Christian Aid week which started today.

  • Holy Darkness

    Holy Darkness

    At this afternoon’s Hour at the Cross, we played this song. Really says it all about Good Friday.

  • Easter Services 2013

    With only a few weeks before Easter, this is a detailed look at the services during Easter week: Sunday 24th March – Palm Sunday We begin our service in the Parish Centre, where we recall Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem on a donkey. The palm branches the crowds waved are remembered as crosses made from palm…

  • Ash Wednesday

    The beginning of Lent, some 40 days before Easter Sunday (31st March) is on Wednesday 13th February. This year we will be hosting the service at St Mary’s at 7.30pm and we are inviting those at St Michael’s East Ardsley and other local congregations to join us. There will be no 10am service on this…

  • Baptism and Confirmation at Epiphany

    On Epiphany Sunday, we were delighted to welcome the Bishop of Wakefield to St Mary’s to lead our Baptism and Confirmation service. Four candidates were being confirmed, and one of those was also being Baptised. It was great to welcome them and their sponsors this morning. The service started off with the Bishop welcoming everybody…

  • Confirmation Service

    Confirmation Service

    We are delighted to welcome Bishop Stephen (the Bishop of Wakefield) to join us for a Confirmation Service next Sunday 6th January 2013. At this service, four people will be confirmed, and one of these baptised. Afterwards, a faith lunch will shared by the church family to celebrate with the family and friends of those…