Category: Services

  • Christingle Special Guest

    Christingle Special Guest

    At our 5pm Christingle service this evening, Charlie and Alice were joined by Kebab the Camel! He had accidentally made it to Woodkirk (we think with the help of Dr Who) on his way back from carrying one of the wise men back from Bethlehem. Here is Charlie and Alice with Kebab in front of…

  • DIY Nativity

    A fairly new tradition at St Mary’s is instead of having a rehearsed Nativity play, children turn up on the Sunday morning and take part in whichever role they can. As you can imagine, this can be a little chaotic, but as Amanda always reminds us, the first Christmas hardly took place to a detailed…

  • Christmas Services 2012

    All the Christmas Services are on the Calendar page, but here they are in a more concise form! Sunday 2nd December – ADVENT 1 8am Holy Communion (said)10.30am Holy Communion12.30pm Baptism Service Toy Collection starts this Sunday – unwrapped, new items please. Saturday 8th December 10am – 1pm ‘Stable ‘n’ Stars’ Christmas Activity morning Sunday…

  • Cross of Despair, to Cross of New Life

    As usual on Easter Sunday morning, an empty cross is transformed through the services to one full of flowers to represent new life after Christ’s Resurrection. Today the cross was started with the All Age Worship and then following by the congregation of the Communion service.

  • Easter Sunday Banner

    This superb banner was made by children at the Children’s Activity Morning last Saturday. Each child made a butterfly to represent the new life of Easter, and they were all stuck to this banner which was hung high above the chancel of the church for Easter Sunday!  

  • Easter Eve Vigil

    This service is one of the most amazing of the church year. The congregation gathers outside the church door, in the gathering gloom of dusk, and the first ancient tradition of the service is to light the new 2012 Paschal (Easter) candle from the flames of a fire. The candle then leads the congregation into…

  • Holy Week and Easter Services

    As a reminder, these are the services for Holy Week and Easter:   Monday 2nd – Tuesday 3rd April 7.00pm Compline. A short reflective Service. Wednesday 4th April 10.00am Holy Communion followed by refreshments Maundy Thursday 5th April 10.30am Chrism Eucharist (Dewsbury Minster) 7.00pm Passover Meal (Parish Centre). This is a shared meal to reenact…

  • Cyril the new Churchwarden

    A friend for Charlie and Alice at the All age service this morning!!

  • Our God is a Great Big God!!

    What a wonderful All age service this morning. The services were based around Collossians which instead of being read, was given in a much more engaging way using this video:     Even more enjoyable was a new (and highly addictive) new song. Be warned, when you listen to this, you not get it out…

  • Christian Aid All-Age Service

    This morning the All-Age service was about Christian Aid week. The church was adorned with bunting and balloons (which were taken home by the children!) and the service was all about giving others hope.   We learned through a video about Gustavo, a coffee grower in Nicaragua. With the help of Christian Aid, he, and…